Muberry Property Management

Applying For A Place

People who apply for a vacant place at an almshouse usually have to meet the criteria under which it was originally established, although some charities have broadened these to reflect changes in society. Examples of selection criteria include:

  • Minimum age (often 50 or 55)
  • Local residence
  • Religion
  • Marital status
  • Gender
  • Occupation
  • Income
  • Being of ‘good character’
applying for a place
To find out more about applying to live in an almshouse we manage, call our team 01904 655200 or email

We send all applicants a form to complete asking for personal details including income and expenditure, as well as referees that we can contact. Vacancies are relatively rare as residents can stay as long as they need the flat. But if our almshouses are fully occupied, we will keep your details secure and contact you when a place becomes available.
Applications are considered on merit and need, not on a first come, first served basis. Each almshouse has its own criteria for assessing applicants for vacancies. The boards of trustees are very sympathetic to people’s situations and dearly wish there were more places available.